HSR & HCR Mulligan Program Guide
This guide contains everything you need to know about the HSR & HCR Mulligan Program.
Mulligan Program
Steps to Select and apply a Mulligan
Step 1: Select Survey that you want to apply a mulligan to
- Must take place between the 2nd and the 10th of each month
- Mulligans can only be applied to the prior month's surveys
Step 2: Click on the ellipsis ("...") in the lower left-hand corner
Step 3: Select "Appeal" in the lower left-hand corner Step 4: Select "Mulligan" (available quantity of mulligans will be displayed)
- If a dealer is not eligible to receive a mulligan or has used all available mulligans, "Mulligan" will not appeal as an Appeal option
Step 5: Select "Submit Appeal" Step 6: Once a "Mulligan" is applied an icon (red golf club) will appear in the review
Reference Mulligan Program FAQs for additional information: https://help.hyundaicustomerfeedback.com/article/300-hsr-hcr-mulligan-program-frequently-asked-questions
Video Demonstration
Program Overview
Timeline Example
*Calculations for qualifying dealers are based on locked stats from the prior 3 months (ex: February 1, 2021 calculations will be based on locked stats from November 1st to January 31st).
*Eligibility to qualify for an additional mulligan (1), is based on the number of survey completes from the prior month.
Program Overview
Hyundai Motor America has decided to implement a Mulligan Program for HSR & HCR. This program will be announced in January 2021 and will commence on February 1, 2021 (applicable to January 2021 surveys).
A "mulligan" is a survey/feedback event removal selected at the discretion of the dealer. The removal of the survey will remove the completed survey from stats, inclusive of overall rating, which is used as a standard metric as a part of the CX Earnback Program. The implementation of the Mulligan Program will positively impact and increase the dealers' overall rating scores.
SureCritic built logic based on HMA approved Mulligan qualification criteria to allow for dealers to view, select and apply any earned mulligans at the beginning of each month during the Mulligan Submission Period. Dealers will be responsible for selecting and applying their mulligans. This is NOT an automated process and any unused mulligans will not roll over to the following month.
SureCritic will ensure the display of public reviews are not compromised by the review removal.
Qualification Criteria
Mulligan Criteria
The dealership will earn one (1) mulligan by achieving the following criteria for HSR surveys on a monthly basis:
- Have a minimum of 60% ReScore Request rate in HSR for the prior 3 months*
- Have a minimum of 50% Concern Resolution rate in HSR for the prior 3 months*
- Have a minimum of 100 survey returns in the prior 1-month period to earn one (1) additional mulligan**
The dealership will earn one (1) mulligan by achieving the following criteria for HCR surveys on a monthly basis:
- Have a minimum of 60% ReScore Request rate in HCR for the prior 3 months*
- Have a minimum of 50% Concern Resolution Rate in HCR for the prior 3 months*
- Have a minimum of 100 survey returns in the prior 1-month period to earn one (1) additional mulligan**
*Dealers with (1) or less low score surveys (1, 2, or 3 stars) in the prior 3 months on HSR or HCR will NOT be required to meet the 60% ReScore Request Rate or the 50% Concern Resolution Rate in order to qualify for a mulligan in their respective program. They are then eligible for 1 (or 2) mulligans.
*Mulligans to be used for the previous month's survey responses and applied during the Mulligan Submission Period from the 2nd to the 10th of each month (Mulligans will not roll over to the following month).
**The maximum amount of mulligans a dealer can earn in a given month is (2) on HSR and (2) on HCR.
Monthly Submission Period & Rules
Submission Period:
- Mulligan Qualification Process: On the 1st of every month, SureCritic will run a custom program to determine eligible dealers and quantity of earned mulligans (calculations based on locked stats from the prior 3 months).
- Once the Mulligan Qualification Process is complete (beginning the 2nd of each month), dealers will see 'Mulligan' as a Survey Appeal option on every qualifying survey.
- The dealer will have (9) calendar days to complete the mulligan removal action within the Mulligan Submission Period.
- Mulligan Submission Period = Between the 2nd and the 10th of each month.
- Selecting the removal option will automatically remove the survey, which will be reflected immediately and updated within the nightly stats process.
- Once the mulligan quota is met, the system will prevent dealers from submitting additional mulligan requests for the previous month.
Submission Rules:
- Dealers can select a survey from the prior month to apply their mulligan(s).
- All mulligans must be executed during the Mulligan Submission Period (2nd - 10th of each month). If a mulligan is not used, it will no longer be available.
- Mulligans earned on HSR can only be applied to HSR surveys.
- Mulligans earned on HCR can only be applied to HCR surveys.
- Mulligans cannot be applied to Rejecter surveys.
- Once a mulligan selection has been applied, the dealer cannot reverse this action.
*If you need further assistance with any of the above, please reach out to Hyundai@surecritic.com
Mulligan Submission
- The following users have the ability to submit/apply mulligans within the SureCritic dashboard:
- Dealer Admin Support (DM)
- General Manager (GM)
- Service Manager (SV)
- Sales Manager (SM)
- Dealer Principal (DP)
- We advise (1) person be designated as the responsible party to apply mulligans (to avoid unnecessary confusion or accidental applications).
- Once a mulligan selection has been applied, the dealer cannot reverse the action.
*If you need further assistance with any of the above, please reach out to Hyundai@surecritic.com